Skylights, as a unique and scarce type of pits on Mars, are significant for scientific research and engineering applications. Compared with visual interpretation to detect skylights, deep learning methods are more automatic and objective. However, existing deep-learning methods face low accuracy due to very few skylight samples and the model's inability to capture the subtle features that differentiate skylights from typical pits. To solve the problem, skylight samples generated with StyleGAN2-ADA network are used to expand the original dataset and not-skylight pits are used as negative samples for adversarial training. These improvements reduce the number of misidentified skylights to approximately 1.3% of the original. Furthermore, to enhance the feature extraction capability, we propose the YOLOv9-PSA model, leading to a 14.1% increase in precision. The results indicate that expanded dataset and the YOLOv9-PSA model significantly improve detection accuracy, with final metrics achieving a precision of 94.1%, a recall rate of 88.9%, and an F1 score of 91.4%. The method proposed in this paper provides a foundation for skylight detection of other celestial bodies.