1 July 1990 Scatter losses of nonabsorbing multilayer systems with statistically rough boundaries
Ivan Ohlidal, Jana Musilova
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Proceedings Volume 1319, Optics in Complex Systems; (1990)
Event: 15th International Optics in Complex Systems, 1990, Garmisch, Germany
In this contribution new approximate formulae for calculating the specular reflectance R, the transmittance T and the scatter losses 5(5 = = l-R-T) of nonabsorbing multilayer systems, the rough boundaries of which are generated by normal stochastic processes, are presented. The formulae are derived within the scalar theory of diffraction under assumptions that the boundaries are mutually independent from the statistical point of view and the standard deviations of the height irregularities are relatively small compared with wavelengths of incident light. Moreover, it is assumed that slopes of the irregularities on all the boundaries of the system considered are small enough (the standard deviations of angles coresponding to the slopes are much smaller that unity) and that conditions of the Fraunhofer approximation are fulfilled when light is detected by a detector.
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Ivan Ohlidal and Jana Musilova "Scatter losses of nonabsorbing multilayer systems with statistically rough boundaries", Proc. SPIE 1319, Optics in Complex Systems, (1 July 1990);
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