Waveguide engineering is essential for terahertz (THz) Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) to achieve high power output at approximately1 THz, due in part to confinement of the lowest order Transverse Magnetic (TM) mode. In this work, we report on waveguide engineering of approximately 1 THz QCLs to achieve lower gain threshold by increasing the confinement factor and decreasing the total waveguide loss. Gain threshold is modeled for the common types of THz QCL waveguides, i.e., Semi-Insulating Single Plasmon (SISP) and Metal-Metal (MM) waveguides at approximately 1 THz. A SISP-MM hybrid waveguide design is introduced for the first time, resulting in a lower gain threshold than SISP and MM waveguide designs alone. A SISP-MM hybrid design is presented with over 87% confinement factor and 26.55 cm-1 optical loss.