Poster + Paper
23 August 2024 Innovative MBSE-based approach to the definition and management of cables and connectors applied to the development of astronomical instruments
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Conference Poster
The Italian astronomical community has begun adopting Model Based System Engineering (MBSE) to develop complex instruments using Cameo Systems Modeler targeting various system engineering tasks including requirements management, system structure management, activities modelling and simulation, and many more. Lately, the focus moved also to managing the system interfaces and the associated cabling and connectors. The proposed methodology uses interface blocks to represent the connectors and their location in the system. The interface blocks generate a proxy port owned by the structural element they are applied to. These ports are then connected to represent the interactions among parts, subsystems, and with external actors using SysML connectors. The connectors are then refined through association blocks also used to represent the cable with all their characteristics. The association blocks are linked to the structural blocks as their parts leading to their inclusion in the PBS of the subsystems. The main output is a table listing all the cables of the system, their connectors, the system parts they connect, and other specifics of the cable like its length, weight, and so on.
© (2024) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Marcello A. Scalera, Matteo Genoni, Marco Riva, Alessio Zanutta, Andrea Balestra, Andrea Di Rocco, and Paolo Ciliegi "Innovative MBSE-based approach to the definition and management of cables and connectors applied to the development of astronomical instruments", Proc. SPIE 13099, Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy XI, 130991U (23 August 2024);
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Systems modeling

Instrument modeling

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