In the framework of STILES PNRR Project and as a natural evolution of the INAF Minigrant project on the Integrated approach to the mechanical design for Astronomical Instrumentation, an advanced mechanical engineering laboratory inside the INAF - Observatory of Naples was funded. This facility represents a leap forward in technological research applied to design and development of Ground-based Telescope Instrumentation for the researchers who will use these innovative technologies. The role of the new laboratory for mechanical engineering, in the INAF context, is essentially to support the advanced design, develop prototypes with different Additive Manufacturing 3D printers, maintain state-of-the-art for astronomical instruments and equipment and revamp/retrofit the existent facilities utilizing also the Reverse Engineering approach. The real innovation of this laboratory is represented by the technologies and techniques that will be implemented inside of it. Another focus is on Metrology applied to characterize, control and accept the mechanical items designed with 3D CAD software and validated by FEA approach during the design phase. The synergy between these disciplines promises to improve the scientific collaboration and the technological expertise for INAF researchers of Naples. Mechanical engineering is the backbone of the astronomical facilities, always bigger than previous one, and enable astronomers to make groundbreaking discoveries and expand our knowledge of space.