We report on the progress of the CCAT-prime Project: the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope (FYST), its instrumentation and the associated science program. The FYST system is optimized for wide-field high surface brightness sensitivity in the submillimeter to millimeter-wave telluric windows. Our science program ranges from constraining fundamental properties of the Universe with high frequency CMB polarization studies through studies of reionization, galaxy and structure formation with line-intensity mapping, submillimeter continuum studies and the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect to revealing the physics of star formation in the Galaxy through large field, high frequency velocity-resolved spectroscopy and wide-field submillimeter dust polarization studies. These and other studies are enabled by wide-field polarimetric cameras, broad-band imaging spectrometers and heterodyne receiver arrays. FYST first light is expected in early 2025.