Poster + Paper
7 June 2024 Subpixel object tracking in RGB intensity and depth imagery
Eric G. Smith, Yakov Diskin, Vijayan K. Asari
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
This paper examines the challenges of object tracking algorithms performing on RGB-D data. We analyze and quantify the performance of common state-of-the-art tracking methods performing on the intensity and depth channels. This paper investigates the tracking performance characteristics of intensity and depth channel processing separate and in conjunction within complex RGB-D scenes with moving objects. A new assessment metric is introduced, called template dissimilarity assessment (TDA), to score the performance of individual tracking methods and determine when track is lost and re-initialization is appropriate. Various tracking metrics are directly compared between intensity and depth data sets. The overall performance and the advantages of the intensity and depth tracking approaches are emphasized. Lastly, the overall performance assessment includes the algorithmic computational expense, measured via processor timing tests.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Eric G. Smith, Yakov Diskin, and Vijayan K. Asari "Subpixel object tracking in RGB intensity and depth imagery", Proc. SPIE 13040, Pattern Recognition and Prediction XXXV, 130400K (7 June 2024);
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Detection and tracking algorithms

Histograms of oriented gradient

RGB color model

Light sources and illumination

Target detection

3D tracking

Data fusion


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