Poster + Paper
18 June 2024 Feasibility study of liquid-crystal spatial light modulators for displaying triplicator gratings at their spatial resolution limit
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Conference Poster
Liquid-crystal on silicon spatial light modulators (LCOS-SLM) with pixel size as small as few microns enable the implementation of programmable diffraction gratings with large deflection angles (small period). We study triplicator phase gratings at the limit of the LCOS spatial resolution, where the binary phase profile is the only alternative. First, we show the effect of the sinc envelope that unavoidably arises from the LCOS pixelation. Then, we use the Fourier transform theory to analyze the binary phase grating in a pixelated device in terms of the pixel size, fill factor and phase difference between the two levels in the grating. The experimental diffraction pattern of a binary triplicator grating displayed on the SLM with a period of 2 pixels reveals that pixel crosstalk becomes relevant. Its effect on the conditions to render a triplicator and on the diffraction efficiency is analyzed.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shang Gao, María del Mar Sánchez-López, and Ignacio Moreno "Feasibility study of liquid-crystal spatial light modulators for displaying triplicator gratings at their spatial resolution limit", Proc. SPIE 13016, Liquid Crystals Optics and Photonic Devices, 130160O (18 June 2024);
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Spatial light modulators


Diffraction gratings

Binary data

Spiral phase plates

Fourier transforms

Optical gratings

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