3 October 2022 FLARE Landsat 8/9 and Sentinel 2A/B point source archive results
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Labsphere has created automated vicarious calibration sites using convex mirror technology in the new FLARE (Field Line-of-sight Automated Radiance Exposure) Network. FLARE has been operational for over two years, with network expansion and performance validation against industry standards and common methods for calibration and validation (cal/val) of 350-2500nm optical Earth Observation Systems (EOS). The FLARE point sources provide absolute and traceable data, creating a new tool in harmonization of satellites with ground sampling distances (GSD) of 0.3m to 60m. This paper provides an overview of the FLARE system and presents findings and improvements in operational hardware and software performance. Once commissioned, all FLARE nodes have been repeatedly targeting Landsat 8, Landsat 9 (starting 2022), and Sentinel 2A/B. This has produced a multi-year archive of radiometric and spatial calibration imagery. Landsat and Sentinel are the premier reference programs for Earth Observation performance and utilize both on-board calibration equipment and on-ground reference sites such as RadCalNet and PICS. This work compares the results of the FLARE technique to current official radiometric coefficients and spatial performance metrics for these satellites. Discussion will center on new insights gleaned from the archive analysis and FLARE’s contribution to the community’s capability for data fusion, instrument harmonization, and the potential to support the concept of Analysis Ready Data (ARD) for easier data use and information extraction. Finally, the future progression of FLARE sites, capabilities, and activities will be outlined.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Brandon Russell, Christopher N. Durell, Jeffrey Holt, David N. Conran, and Stephen Schiller "FLARE Landsat 8/9 and Sentinel 2A/B point source archive results", Proc. SPIE 12232, Earth Observing Systems XXVII, 1223213 (3 October 2022);
Earth observing sensors



Data archive systems

Data centers


Data fusion


Landsat-7 ETM+ radiometric calibration status
Proceedings of SPIE (September 19 2016)
Radiometric calibration updates to the Landsat collection
Proceedings of SPIE (September 19 2016)
Present and future of the Landsat program
Proceedings of SPIE (August 23 2000)
Landsat-7 and Landsat-5 thermal band calibration updates
Proceedings of SPIE (August 21 2009)
Subsetting and formatting Landsat 7 L0R ETM+ data products
Proceedings of SPIE (August 23 2000)

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