5 March 2021 Multimodal imaging platform for image-guided surgery: application to blood perfusion assessment
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Despite the technological evolutions that transform the operating rooms nowadays, a major clinical need remains: surgeons need to distinguish healthy from diseased tissues while performing a procedure. Tissue status assessment procedures such as blood perfusion monitoring require objective input that can potentially be obtained with fluorescence imaging and oxygenation imaging. We developed a multimodal imaging platform for performing widefield quantitative oxygenation imaging and fluorescence imaging in a clinical environment. We demonstrate in-vivo the impact of widefield quantitative oxygenation imaging on blood perfusion assessment. Fluorescence imaging provided by the system is used in complement to confirm the outcome of oxygenation imaging.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Silvère Ségaud, Enagnon Aguénounon, Joseph Angelo, Sara Gravelyn, Henrique Waxin, Lucile Zorn, Julien Lamy, Murielle Torregrossa, Michele Diana M.D., Sylvain Lecler, and Sylvain Gioux "Multimodal imaging platform for image-guided surgery: application to blood perfusion assessment", Proc. SPIE 11634, Multimodal Biomedical Imaging XVI, 116340J (5 March 2021);


Multimodal imaging

Image-guided intervention


Imaging systems

Near infrared

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