Previous studies in this area of research have reported that merchantability of meat drops when the meat color. The changes in meat color are caused by met-myoglobin concentration changes. Despite, a few methods are presented to measure met-myoglobin concentration, those methods have a number of problem in use. In general, met-myoglobin concentrations increase inside the meat and spread to the surface. The main purpose of this study is the measurement of met-myoglobin proportion inside the meat by using diffuse optical spectroscopy (DOS) to predict meat color changes. To conduct the experiments, the DOS system consists of a spectrometer and the broadband light source. And 30 beef samples were taken on the day that the cattle were slaughtered. In order to measure met-myoglobin changes over time, Data were collected every day. The results show us increase and decrease of met-myoglobin during the storage. This study will help us to predict meat color changes and to qualify merchantability