Presentation + Paper
6 September 2019 Quantum ghost imaging and state symmetry
Nicholas Bornman, Adam Vallés, Shashi Prabhakar, Megan Agnew, Feng Zhu, Andrew Forbes, Jonathan Leach
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Since its first demonstration in 1995, ghost imaging has provided amazing insights into both classical and quantum physics as well as having found application in, for example, microscopy and imaging under low light conditions. Traditional ghost imaging uses correlations between two photons to reconstruct an image of an object from two systems which each individually know nothing about the object. In the quantum case, the state of the two photons is typically a symmetric, entangled state. Here we investigate the effect that changing the two-photon state's symmetry has on the reconstructed object, by using Dove prisms and a Hong-Ou-Mandel filter. Interestingly, it appears that post-selecting on the anti-symmetric Bell state results in a `double image': a juxtaposition of the original image rotated both clockwise and anti-clockwise. Furthermore, we consider a 4-photon experiment in which two photons, which originate from different entanglement sources and are hence completely independent initially, acquire correlations by way of entanglement swapping via appropriate post-selection on the remaining two photons. In such a setup, post-selecting on the symmetric Bell states results in the original object, but post-selecting on the anti-symmetric Bell state results in a contrast-reversed image of the object. These studies highlight the fundamental importance that state symmetry plays in quantum imaging.
Conference Presentation
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nicholas Bornman, Adam Vallés, Shashi Prabhakar, Megan Agnew, Feng Zhu, Andrew Forbes, and Jonathan Leach "Quantum ghost imaging and state symmetry", Proc. SPIE 11134, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XVII, 1113406 (6 September 2019);
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