25 October 2018 A simulation method for dual-comb spectroscopy with jitter noise
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Dual-comb spectroscopy is an emerging spectral detection technology with high resolution, high sensitivity, broad bandwidth and fast detection speed. By using a pair of coherent optical frequency combs, asynchronous light sampling is realized and pico-scale theoretical resolution can be achieved without mechanical scanning components. However, coherence between dual combs suffers from the frequency jitter, which causes distortion of spectral information. Furthermore, since jitter noise components in the experiment are complex, widely sourced, and difficult to control. It is impractical to study the effects of a specific jitter noise and observe how jitter correction algorithm works through an actual dual-comb spectroscopy experimental system. To solve this problem, a simulation method is proposed for dualcomb spectroscopy with jitter noise to verify the effectiveness of data processing algorithm. Two Gaussian random jitter sequence with a standard deviation of 0.16fs are generated as time jitter for dual-comb spectroscopy simulation system. The simulation results show that the time jitter causes the calculated spectral center wavelength δν to have a random jitter of standard deviation of ~40GHz. The time-domain averaging method and the frequency-domain averaging method are applied to the data obtained from the simulation system. Through 100 time-domain averaging, there is no visible compensation effect on the deviation of calculated spectral center wavelength, and the SNR becomes worse as the average number increases. On the contrary, 100 frequency-domain averaging reduces the standard deviation of the spectral center wavelength deviation to ~2.6GHz and can obtain 10 times the SNR of 100 time-domain averaging.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Haoyang Yu, Kai Ni, Qian Zhou, Xinghui Li, and Guanhao Wu "A simulation method for dual-comb spectroscopy with jitter noise", Proc. SPIE 10822, Real-time Photonic Measurements, Data Management, and Processing III, 108220Q (25 October 2018);
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Signal to noise ratio



Frequency combs

Computer simulations

Control systems

Fourier transforms

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