10 July 2018 On-sky demonstration of the SuperSpec millimeter-wave spectrometer (Conference Presentation)
Kirit S. Karkare, Peter S. Barry, C. Matt Bradford, Scott Chapman, George Che, Jason Glenn, Sam Gordon, Steven Hailey-Dunsheath, Matthew Hollister, Attila Kovacs, Henry G. Leduc, Philip Mauskopf, Ryan McGeehan, Chris McKenney, Theodore Reck, Joseph Redford, Erik Shirokoff, Carole Tucker, Jordan Turner, Samantha Walker, Jordan Wheeler, Jonas Zmuidzinas
Author Affiliations +
SuperSpec is an on-chip filter-bank spectrometer designed for wideband moderate-resolution spectroscopy at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. Employing TiN kinetic inductance detectors, the device has demonstrated noise performance suitable for photon noise limited ground-based observations at excellent millimeter-wave observing sites. In these proceedings we present a demonstration instrument featuring six independent single-polarization SuperSpec chips, covering 190-310 GHz with 300 channels. We summarize spectrometer performance, describe the cryostat and optical coupling, and present the readout and telescope control system. In an initial deployment to the Large Millimeter Telescope, we plan to observe submillimeter galaxies in [CII] emission at redshifts 5 < z < 9 and CO emission from lower-redshift galaxies. Real on-sky performance will inform the design of the next generation of instruments using large numbers of SuperSpec devices, which could include multi-object spectrometers or line intensity mapping experiments that target [CII] during the Epoch of Reionization.
Conference Presentation
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kirit S. Karkare, Peter S. Barry, C. Matt Bradford, Scott Chapman, George Che, Jason Glenn, Sam Gordon, Steven Hailey-Dunsheath, Matthew Hollister, Attila Kovacs, Henry G. Leduc, Philip Mauskopf, Ryan McGeehan, Chris McKenney, Theodore Reck, Joseph Redford, Erik Shirokoff, Carole Tucker, Jordan Turner, Samantha Walker, Jordan Wheeler, and Jonas Zmuidzinas "On-sky demonstration of the SuperSpec millimeter-wave spectrometer (Conference Presentation)", Proc. SPIE 10708, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy IX, 107081R (10 July 2018);

Galactic astronomy


Control systems


Optical filters



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