30 April 2018 Multiple-modality program for standoff detection of side-attack explosive hazards
Kathryn Williams, Erik Rosen
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The U.S. Army RDECOM CERDEC Night Vision and Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD) Countermine Division has developed a program to investigate multiple sensor modalities to detect side-attack explosive hazards. Sensor modalities include vehicle-mounted forward- and side-looking radar, side-looking acoustic, and forward- and sidelooking electro-optical/infrared sensors. NVESD is collaborating with the Institute for Defense Analyses and multiple universities to execute data collections and conduct data analysis and algorithm development. A variety of sensors have been tested at a U.S. Army test site, and performance has been measured by calculating the probability of detection and the false-alarm rate for a given target set. Reliable detection is challenging due to variations in target design, target emplacement, environment, and obscuration. Current analysis is focused on developing feature-extraction methods and determining sensors’ abilities to penetrate concealment. This paper will discuss several data analysis efforts to date that have resulted in consideration of a high-frequency 3D radar for detection and discrimination.
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Kathryn Williams and Erik Rosen "Multiple-modality program for standoff detection of side-attack explosive hazards", Proc. SPIE 10628, Detection and Sensing of Mines, Explosive Objects, and Obscured Targets XXIII, 1062813 (30 April 2018);
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