Vertical diffuse attenuation coefficient, Kd(490), is one of the key parameter required for water quality modeling, hydrodynamic and biological processes in the sea. We showed that standard level-2 product of Kd(490) was underestimated in comparison with Kd(490) values simulated by the regional model during the diatom bloom in the Black Sea. Using data of SeaWiFS, MERIS and MODIS color scanners, a regional relationship between the model value of Kd(490) and the ratio of remote sensing reflectances has been obtained. Based on the bulgarian argo-bio-buoy dataset, the relationship between the attenuation coefficient of photosynthetically active radiation and attenuation coefficient at a wavelength of 490 nm is obtained. The simplified model, below as the S-model, of the diffuse attenuation coefficient spectrum for downwelling irradiance in the Black Sea upper layer is described. As a consequence of the S-model, the link between the depth of the euphotic zone and Kd(490) has been obtained. It is shown that the Kd(490) values, retrieved from ocean color data with using the regional link and from argo-bio-buoy measurements at depths between 6-20 m, are close to each other.