19 June 2017 Automatic bone outer contour extraction from B-modes ultrasound images based on local phase symmetry and quadratic polynomial fitting
Tita Karlita, Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno, I. Ketut Eddy Purnama, Mauridhi Hery Purnomo
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Proceedings Volume 10443, Second International Workshop on Pattern Recognition; 1044310 (2017)
Event: Second International Workshop on Pattern Recognition, 2017, Singapore, Singapore
Analyzing ultrasound (US) images to get the shapes and structures of particular anatomical regions is an interesting field of study since US imaging is a non-invasive method to capture internal structures of a human body. However, bone segmentation of US images is still challenging because it is strongly influenced by speckle noises and it has poor image quality. This paper proposes a combination of local phase symmetry and quadratic polynomial fitting methods to extract bone outer contour (BOC) from two dimensional (2D) B-modes US image as initial steps of three-dimensional (3D) bone surface reconstruction. By using local phase symmetry, the bone is initially extracted from US images. BOC is then extracted by scanning one pixel on the bone boundary in each column of the US images using first phase features searching method. Quadratic polynomial fitting is utilized to refine and estimate the pixel location that fails to be detected during the extraction process. Hole filling method is then applied by utilize the polynomial coefficients to fill the gaps with new pixel. The proposed method is able to estimate the new pixel position and ensures smoothness and continuity of the contour path. Evaluations are done using cow and goat bones by comparing the resulted BOCs with the contours produced by manual segmentation and contours produced by canny edge detection. The evaluation shows that our proposed methods produces an excellent result with average MSE before and after hole filling at the value of 0.65.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tita Karlita, Eko Mulyanto Yuniarno, I. Ketut Eddy Purnama, and Mauridhi Hery Purnomo "Automatic bone outer contour extraction from B-modes ultrasound images based on local phase symmetry and quadratic polynomial fitting", Proc. SPIE 10443, Second International Workshop on Pattern Recognition, 1044310 (19 June 2017); Logo
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Image segmentation

Point spread functions

Edge detection


Image processing


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