4 October 2017 New lidar challenges for gas hazard management in industrial environments
Nicolas Cézard, Anasthase Liméry, Johan Bertrand, Simon Le Méhauté, Philippe Benoit, Didier Fleury, Didier Goular, Christophe Planchat, Matthieu Valla, Béatrice Augère, Agnès Dolfi-Bouteyre
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The capability of Lidars to perform range-resolved gas profiles makes them an appealing choice for many applications. In order to address new remote sensing challenges, arising from industrial contexts, Onera currently develops two lidar systems, one Raman and one DIAL. On the Raman side, a high spatial-resolution multi-channel Raman Lidar is developed in partnership with the French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra). This development aims at enabling future monitoring of hydrogen gas and water vapor profiles inside disposal cells containing radioactive wastes. We report on the development and first tests of a three-channel Raman Lidar (H2, H2O, N2) designed to address this issue. Simultaneous hydrogen and water vapor profiles have been successfully performed along a 5m-long gas cell with 1m resolution at a distance of 85 m. On the DIAL side, a new instrumental concept is being explored and developed in partnership with Total E and P. The objective is to perform methane plume monitoring and flux assessment in the vicinity of industrials plants or platforms. For flux assessment, both gas concentration and air speed must be profiled by lidar. Therefore, we started developing a bi-function, all-fiber, coherent DIAL/Doppler Lidar. The first challenge was to design and build an appropriate fiber laser source. The achieved demonstrator delivers 200 W peak power, polarized, spectrally narrow (<15 MHz), 110 ns pulses of light out of a monomode fiber at 1645 nm. It fulfills the requirements for a future implementation in a bi-function Dial/Doppler lidar with km-range expectation. We report on the laser and lidar architecture, and on first lidar tests at 1645 nm.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nicolas Cézard, Anasthase Liméry, Johan Bertrand, Simon Le Méhauté, Philippe Benoit, Didier Fleury, Didier Goular, Christophe Planchat, Matthieu Valla, Béatrice Augère, and Agnès Dolfi-Bouteyre "New lidar challenges for gas hazard management in industrial environments", Proc. SPIE 10429, Lidar Technologies, Techniques, and Measurements for Atmospheric Remote Sensing XIII, 1042903 (4 October 2017);
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Raman spectroscopy


Fiber lasers

Environmental management

Applied physics


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