12 September 2017 ExEP yield modeling tool and validation test results
Rhonda Morgan, Michael Turmon, Christian Delacroix, Dmitry Savransky, Daniel Garrett, Patrick Lowrance, Xiang Cate Liu, Paul Nunez
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EXOSIMS is an open-source simulation tool for parametric modeling of the detection yield and characterization of exoplanets. EXOSIMS has been adopted by the Exoplanet Exploration Programs Standards Definition and Evaluation Team (ExSDET) as a common mechanism for comparison of exoplanet mission concept studies. To ensure trustworthiness of the tool, we developed a validation test plan that leverages the Python-language unit-test framework, utilizes integration tests for selected module interactions, and performs end-to-end crossvalidation with other yield tools. This paper presents the test methods and results, with the physics-based tests such as photometry and integration time calculation treated in detail and the functional tests treated summarily. The test case utilized a 4m unobscured telescope with an idealized coronagraph and an exoplanet population from the IPAC radial velocity (RV) exoplanet catalog. The known RV planets were set at quadrature to allow deterministic validation of the calculation of physical parameters, such as working angle, photon counts and integration time. The observing keepout region was tested by generating plots and movies of the targets and the keepout zone over a year. Although the keepout integration test required the interpretation of a user, the test revealed problems in the L2 halo orbit and the parameterization of keepout applied to some solar system bodies, which the development team was able to address. The validation testing of EXOSIMS was performed iteratively with the developers of EXOSIMS and resulted in a more robust, stable, and trustworthy tool that the exoplanet community can use to simulate exoplanet direct-detection missions from probe class, to WFIRST, up to large mission concepts such as HabEx and LUVOIR.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rhonda Morgan, Michael Turmon, Christian Delacroix, Dmitry Savransky, Daniel Garrett, Patrick Lowrance, Xiang Cate Liu, and Paul Nunez "ExEP yield modeling tool and validation test results", Proc. SPIE 10400, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VIII, 104001K (12 September 2017); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Photon counting

Time correlated photon counting






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