8 March 2017 Measurement of bubble field in the liquid for the simulation of cloud droplets particle detection using digital holography
Xiaotao Yu, Yizhen Jia, Feng Ji, Baosheng Li
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Proceedings Volume 10255, Selected Papers of the Chinese Society for Optical Engineering Conferences held October and November 2016; 102553P (2017)
Event: Selected Papers of the Chinese Society for Optical Engineering Conferences held October and November 2016, 2016, Jinhua, Suzhou, Chengdu, Xi'an, Wuxi, China
The cloud in the high altitude is usually in the gas-liquid mixed state, this paper simulates the environment of the cloud particle using bubble field in the liquid. The paper research the gas-liquid mixture via measuring the size and 3D position of the bubble using a digital in-line holographic imaging system. The design of the optical system and the algorithm of reconstruction, recognition and extraction about the digital hologram is presented. The digital holography deserves to be selected as the projection to measure the bubble field because of advantages such as being able to record and reconstruct the three-dimensional position information, avoiding disturbing the object and insuring the instantaneity during the measurement. The optical system and the algorithm about the digital program have been completed, the hologram of bubbles in the liquids recorded by CCD, the hologram reconstruction using the digital hologram after denoising processing is accomplished. The character of cloud particles can be measured by using holography after analyzing the parameter of the bubbles.
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Xiaotao Yu, Yizhen Jia, Feng Ji, and Baosheng Li "Measurement of bubble field in the liquid for the simulation of cloud droplets particle detection using digital holography", Proc. SPIE 10255, Selected Papers of the Chinese Society for Optical Engineering Conferences held October and November 2016, 102553P (8 March 2017);
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Digital holography




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