10 November 2016 Innovative multi-cantilever array sensor system with MOEMS read-out
F. Ivaldi, T. Bieniek, P. Janus, P. Grabiec, W. Majstrzyk, D. Kopiec, T. Gotszalk
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Proceedings Volume 10161, 14th International Conference on Optical and Electronic Sensors; 1016102 (2016)
Event: 14th International Conference on Optical and Electronic Sensors, 2016, Gdansk, Poland
Cantilever based sensor system are a well-established sensor family exploited in several every-day life applications as well as in high-end research areas. The very high sensitivity of such systems and the possibility to design and functionalize the cantilevers to create purpose built and highly selective sensors have increased the interest of the scientific community and the industry in further exploiting this promising sensors type. Optical deflection detection systems for cantilever sensors provide a reliable, flexible method for reading information from cantilevers with the highest sensitivity. However the need of using multi-cantilever arrays in several fields of application such as medicine, biology or safety related areas, make the optical method less suitable due to its structural complexity. Working in the frame of a the Joint Undertaking project Lab4MEMS II our group proposes a novel and innovative approach to solve this issue, by integrating a Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical-System (MOEMS) with dedicated optics, electronics and software with a MOEMS micro-mirror, ultimately developed in the frame of Lab4MEMSII. In this way we are able to present a closely packed, lightweight solution combining the advantages of standard optical read-out systems with the possibility of recording multiple read-outs from large cantilever arrays quasi simultaneously.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
F. Ivaldi, T. Bieniek, P. Janus, P. Grabiec, W. Majstrzyk, D. Kopiec, and T. Gotszalk "Innovative multi-cantilever array sensor system with MOEMS read-out", Proc. SPIE 10161, 14th International Conference on Optical and Electronic Sensors, 1016102 (10 November 2016); Logo
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