16 February 2017 Highly nonlinear chalcogenide hybrid microstructured optical fibers with buffer layer and their potential performance of supercontinuum generation
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Proceedings Volume 10100, Optical Components and Materials XIV; 101001N (2017)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2017, San Francisco, California, United States
We report here the design of a new chalcogenide hybrid microstructured optical fiber (HMOF) with a buffer layer around the core and its potential performance of tailoring chromatic dispersion and supercontinuum (SC) generation. The new chalcogenide HMOF has an AsSe2 core. The refractive index difference Δn between the AsSe2 core and cladding material is supposed to be 0.3. The fiber microstructure and the Δn between the core and buffer materials are designed in order to obtain broad anomalous dispersion regimes with near-zero and flattened chromatic dispersion profiles for broadband SC generation. Moreover, the suppression of chromatic dispersion fluctuation caused by fiber transverse geometry variation is investigated. By using the proposed chalcogenide buffer-embed HMOFs, the calculation shows that near-zero and flattened anomalous chromatic dispersion regimes from 4.5 μm can be obtained. When the variation of fiber structure occurs for ±1, ±5 and ±10 %, the chromatic dispersion fluctuation can be greatly suppressed. In addition, the calculation shows that a broad SC spectrum from 2.5 to more than 16.0 μm can be obtained when a 0.9-cmlong section of the new chalcogenide buffer-embed HMOF is pumped at 5.0 μm by a femtosecond laser with 1-kW peak power.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hoang Tuan Tong, Kenshiro Nagasaka, Trung Hoa Nguyen Phuoc, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi "Highly nonlinear chalcogenide hybrid microstructured optical fibers with buffer layer and their potential performance of supercontinuum generation", Proc. SPIE 10100, Optical Components and Materials XIV, 101001N (16 February 2017);
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Structured optical fibers

Refractive index

Supercontinuum generation

Chalcogenide glass

Nonlinear optics

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