11 December 1985 Multiresolution Temporal Preprocessing and Lateral Inhibition
D. Shulman, J. Skrzypek
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Proceedings Volume 0579, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision IV; (1985)
Event: 1985 Cambridge Symposium, 1985, Cambridge, United States
In order to accurately describe and detect motion, a high sensitivity to temporal discontinuities in intensity must be maintained over a wide range of velocities. We present a highly parallel computing structure that optimizes the detection of these discontinuities. The architecture consists of three, hierarchically organized, two-dimensional layers of hexagonal operators with overlapping receptive fields. Two types of INPUT operators generate responses of opposite polarity and different onset delay. The CONTEXT operators act to enhance and rectify this difference. Contextual information is used via lateral inhibition pathways to reset the thresholds for the INPUT and the OUTPUT operators thus controlling temporal sensitivity of the module. This facilitates the detection of relative motion. The actual output of our module is approximately a difference of Gaussians of the absolute value of the derivative of intensity with respect to time. Results of simulations show that uniform motion throughout the visual field produces a small response. When motion is limited to any small part of the visual field, the response at the output of the module is approxi-mately a linear function of velocity.
© (1985) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
D. Shulman and J. Skrzypek "Multiresolution Temporal Preprocessing and Lateral Inhibition", Proc. SPIE 0579, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision IV, (11 December 1985);
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Computer vision technology

Machine vision

Robot vision


Motion detection

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